Creating a programming language from scratch!

Python is the programming language I am more comfortable with, by far; at an early stage of my learning I heard that Python was built on top of C. Whatever that meant. Then I started thinking of it in this way: programming languages are used to build programs. Someone used C to create another program, that can be used to create even more programs! That seemed reasonable.

At some point in time I got interested in compilers and interpreters and all those weird things, and I came across this wonderful blog post. I immediately started following the "Let's Build a Simple Interpreter" series to write my own Pascal interpreter with Python, which is the aim of that series.

At that time there were only 5 or 6 posts, and I got to the point where I had done everything he told us to do and couldn't wait for the other posts, as I noticed the frequency with which the author posted in that series was rather low. At that point, my project's aim diverged of that of the blog and I tried using what I had learned to create a very basic programming language I called Roj.

The end product of that is a programming language with some common constructs, such as the while loop and the if-else. The code and some snippets written in Roj can be downloaded from here. In there you can also find my attempt at formalising Roj's grammar with Backus-Naur Form.

To run one of the snippets, run the file, which starts a REPL. You can type Roj programs in one line or you can type execute filename where filename is the path to the file you want to execute:

Please bear in mind that the REPL does not save variables and whatnot from the previous lines. If you want to type a Roj program directly into the REPL, it will have to be a one-liner.

[Pt] A minha curiosidade vagueia incessantemente, e houve um dia que se fixou nesta publicação sobre compiladores. Comecei a seguir essa série, mas rapidamente cheguei ao ponto em que já tinha de aguardar pelos posts que se seguiriam. Por causa disso, desviei-me um pouco do objetivo final da série e criei uma mini linguagem de programação, a que chamei Roj. Nesta pasta vão encontrar o código fonte todo que faz com que as engrenagens do Roj funcionem, e na imagem em cima vêem um pouco do que se pode fazer com o Roj.

O ficheiro que interessa para porem coisas a correr, é o Basta correr esse ficheiro com o Python e entram num REPL como o que podem ver na imagem. Podem escrever programas numa linha, ou podem executar ficheiros que tenham programas. Aviso apenas que, de uma linha para a outra, as variáveis não são guardadas. Se quiserem escrever um programa diretamente no REPL, é preciso escrever o programa todo de seguida numa linha. Na pasta cujo link deixei, podem também encontrar uma tentativa de formalização da gramática da linguagem, usando BNF.

Let me know what you think!

Creating a programming language from scratch! Creating a programming language from scratch! Reviewed by Unknown on October 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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